Take A Deep Dive Into Your Business

Our Session Includes:

  • 90 Minute Deep Dive into Your Business

We will go through the funnels and flows of offerings and income. You will "brain dump" your business structure, what it is and what you want it to be. We will discuss the tools and technology you are using. I will ask a lot of questions and take a lot of notes.

  • Plan and Map Your Next Year in Business

Within 1 week you will receive a full written plan for your next year, with my recommendations on activities and projected cash flow. You will get a visual of your funnels and areas where you can improve your efficiency.

  • 30 Minute Follow Up Meeting

As we end our Deep Dive Session, we will book a follow-up call for 10 days (approximately) after your call to go over the plan of action and answer any questions you may have.

**Both sessions are recorded and you will receive a copy of the recording and transcript

Now is the Perfect Time to get Organized, Prepared, and get your Sales Funnels in Order.