The Best System in the World!

The Best System in the World!

November 15, 20232 min read

Well, it’s time to burst your bubble. Sorry! There is no BEST system in the world. 

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about bubbles. Think about sitting in a bathtub full of bubbles. Eventually, the bubbles start to pop, as they get to work and clean you. The foam was the exterior of what you saw. Then, as the bubbles pop, you start to see what’s below the surface. The bubbles often cover up and put a pretty picture of what’s below the surface. 

Systems are like those bubbles. The bubbles represent the marketing; what it looks like on the outside and what you can see before you get inside to see what’s really going on. Often, business owners buy a system without looking at the inside, or understanding what’s going on and how to make it work. They didn’t even ask the right questions. 

This is where I often get looped into the conversation because now the business owner has a system that’s supposed to be everything she needs and she doesn’t know where to start. She thought it was the solution, but it ended up being an overwhelming and daunting nightmare.

Systems are not a solution. They are an avenue to deliver your solution!

I’ll bet no one ever told you that before. Before you find the right system, you have to know what the solution is that you’re looking for. This means you have to know what you deliver to your customers and what you need to interact with them. There’s a system on the market for all your needs. I promise - and could probably make some money selling it to you! You could end up with a system trash pile, spending a lot of money and time without any results. 

This is not what I want for you and your business. I want simplicity. You should be able to jump in and work on it yourself and have the support you need when you get stuck. Sometimes it helps to have a call with someone (like me!) who looks at the full picture and asks you all the questions. to be sure what you are looking for in a system is clear so you can then go and compare the systems you are interested in.

To help you out, I put together this Comparison Chart. Use it to look at some of the options you have available for your business. There are many more out on the market, but these are the ones I get asked about most.

CRM Comparison

If you need help figuring out what’s best for you, let’s talk.

Paula AllenServices For Youbusiness strategybusiness simplicityorganized businessstructured businesssystemsgohighlevelplatformsservicesolutions
As a 40+ year entrepreneur, Paula Allen has learned a lot about building and leading teams as a way to leverage growth for your business. She trains Virtual Assistants to work with Entrepreneurs and leverages these relationships for Entrepreneurs to find the help they need to grow exponentially. For fun she travels, puts together puzzles, drinks coffee and plays with her grandchildren.

Paula Allen

As a 40+ year entrepreneur, Paula Allen has learned a lot about building and leading teams as a way to leverage growth for your business. She trains Virtual Assistants to work with Entrepreneurs and leverages these relationships for Entrepreneurs to find the help they need to grow exponentially. For fun she travels, puts together puzzles, drinks coffee and plays with her grandchildren.

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